Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My girls

Spending time with my favorite gals ... it was a great weekend.

Olivia with the boys.

Erin learning special things from her Uncle Nicky!

Miss Erin playing with her penguin and watching Will play Nintendo.

My pumpkin Olivia trying to wake up for me!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Double pink eye ...

Double ear infection ...

Strep throat.

I really need the germs to cease and assist! You would think with the cold and snow in WI it would kill them.

Lysol wipes and cans are everywhere in our house.

Thank goodness for Grandmas that can help so we don't miss an enormous amount of work!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Almost time for baseball?

Our new pitchers (the two on the end).

Major league pitcher??

Our press conference!

We had a great time at Brewer's Fan Fest. Even won some tickets to a game during Spring Break! Really exciting. Spent the whole day hanging out and soaking in the baseball fever. Hoping for a World Series this year!