Sunday, November 29, 2009

So many updates to give you ...

But it will have to be done tomorrow.

Most importantly, Reagan is having his teeth pulled tomorrow morning. My dad will be coming with me because Nick will be busy with work. Please keep us in your thoughts ... I have a hard time when I know my kids are in pain!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scarlet Fever

Will has it! Yuck is all I can say. The rash is in a very "private" area and looks absolutely miserable.

Thank goodness we have such a wonderful nurse and doctor that had us come right away. I have been telling Nick for days I thought he had strep throat! Moms know best ... that's all I can say.

Now on to little ReRe. He is miserable. I really think that "infection" from his teeth has taken over his entire body. He sees the dentist and the dr. on Wednesday to find out what is going on with him.

The boys are not healthy at this time. Thank goodness for a grandma that will come so we don't have to stay home!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I did it!

After about 10 months I was able to make my goal, hold it for 6 weeks and have now made Lifetime Membership at Weight Watchers! I am so excited. Now the hard part ... keeping it off. Thanks for those that have cheered me on or simply said they have noticed. I appreciated all of it along the way!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things ...

Reagan has had a terrible time sleeping lately. The young girl at the babysitter told him their are ghosts under his bed.

So last night at 8:30 I went upstairs to try to coax him to sleep. When I asked him why he wasn't sleeping he said, "I have to much music in my head!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


To the many men and women who protect and serve our country we say a sincere Thank You.

Today our family would like to especially honor Nick's brother David (Uncle Dave) for becoming a member of the United States Air Force. We are proud of all you have done over the many years and the service that you have given the military.

Happy Veteran's Day with so much thanks!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Dentist visit ...

Didn't go too well.

When the dentist looked at me and said, "Did Reagan have trauma to his front teeth? Did he take a fall?" I knew something was wrong.

My rough tough guy must have bumped his two front teeth. Enough that it has caused absesses (spelling?) and his two front teeth need to be removed.

3 years with no front teeth! I already have emails in to the 4K teacher and the Speech pathologist to find out what effect it will have on him at this critically developmental age!

Tomorrow we will find out when we will head to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee to have them removed. Anytime the babies are under ... I shutter!

When it rains it pours I guess.

No more corn on the cob for him! How sad will my little boy be!