Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Funny yet aggravating

So I wasn't quite in the Christmas spirit this year. I got there (sort of) but I think with all our illnesses leading up to the holiday, I wasn't as joyful as years before.

So today I took the tree down. Not because I am a Grinch, but because I couldn't see my family room floor and that huge tree was taking up too much toy space.

So as I am working, Will asks if he can call Grandma. I went through the basic questions as I always have to because he doesn't give much detail.

Which Grandma?
Grandma MacCudden
Because I love her.
Okay find the phone ... and I go through the series of numbers to reach her. No answer.
Another number mom.
Try the cell phone then ... give that number.
Answering machine ... and this is Will's message to his Grandma MacCudden

Hi Grandma its me Will. My mom is taking my Christmas tree down and I am really sad. (The rest I didn't quite hear because the steam was coming out my ears from the top of the ladder!) Okay, call me back!

He hung up and I raged on about I thought you called because you loved her and why are you tattling on me for taking my tree down.

Needless to say his tears started to roll down his little face and I felt horrible.

5 minutes later my BFF calls and says she took hers down yesterday. I replied, " I should have had Will call you ... he wouldn't have gotten any sympathy!"

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The kids on Christmas Eve!

Christina got her Chrissa doll!

Will got a Buzz Lightyear that he wanted terribly bad.

Will showing Siena the ropes of how to use the computer!
All was happy that night. We ate lots of great food and the kids had a terrific time with one another!

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa MacCudden's

The boys with their Grandma and Papa.

Reagan giving gift to his cousin David.

Will giving his gift to his cousin Jack!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Snow Day of the Year

Our first snow day of the year was Wednesday. 11 inches here in Jackson.

Our kids LOVED it ... and thank goodness for snowblowers!

Tons done today

I got so much stuff done today.

Made chili and Chicken Tortilla Soup. Baked some bars for a co-worker that had her gall bladder removed. Made a tie blanket (Brewers) with material I have had for like 2 years. Downloaded some pictures. Cleaned up. Slept in (thanks to Saturday church) and scowered the paper for the deals that we hope we can get our children next weekend! Nick loves shopping the weekend before the big day!

Just dad and the kids left ...

Hope the week is as productive as today. I need to get those cards out and start wrapping!

Reagan is sick and I have a weird cough going on ... hope it passes!

8 more work days before a nice break!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MacCudden Christmas 2009

Reagan singing the 12 Days of Christmas Aunt Sue style!

Thanks to Tony and Karen, our hosts, we had another wonderful MacCudden Christmas celebration.

And it wouldn't be the same without some cute MacCudden boys in the picture!

And the highlight of the night ... a visit from a very special Santa Claus!

Sunday, December 6, 2009


I am up to my ears in cookies! My first time making them ... thanks to mom's recipe from last year.

Balistreri cookie exchange on Tuesday. Til then they are in hiding. I only made 6 extra. Way too tempting.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas is in the air

Enchantment in the Park at Washington County Fairgrounds. Very cool drive around ...

Our first visit to Santa after the lights. We might need a few more visits just for the reminder about being NICE!

Will helping me decorate the tree. This year we went DISNEY style to get ready for our trip in June with Grandma and Grandpa Dobson.

Will turns 7!

Breaking the wishbone on his Thanksgiving Day birthday!
Celebrating with mom's family on Thanksgiving Day.

Getting the one gift he REALLY wanted from his Grandma MacCudden - New Super Mario Brothers for Wii.

Our birthday was all about Wall -E. A wonderful lady made his cake for me. She lives in Colgate and does this as a hobby. She was SO reasonable. If you are every interested let me know!
Will also had a celebration with his classmates to see Planet 51 at the movies.
All in all I think he had some fantastic celebrations!

All I want for Christmas is ...

My two front teeth.

With about one inch roots on those teeth ... they are out. It just might take 3 Christmases for them to come back.

Reagan said to his dad, "I was brave dad."

A special thanks to his Grandpa Dobson for coming along for moral support!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

So many updates to give you ...

But it will have to be done tomorrow.

Most importantly, Reagan is having his teeth pulled tomorrow morning. My dad will be coming with me because Nick will be busy with work. Please keep us in your thoughts ... I have a hard time when I know my kids are in pain!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Scarlet Fever

Will has it! Yuck is all I can say. The rash is in a very "private" area and looks absolutely miserable.

Thank goodness we have such a wonderful nurse and doctor that had us come right away. I have been telling Nick for days I thought he had strep throat! Moms know best ... that's all I can say.

Now on to little ReRe. He is miserable. I really think that "infection" from his teeth has taken over his entire body. He sees the dentist and the dr. on Wednesday to find out what is going on with him.

The boys are not healthy at this time. Thank goodness for a grandma that will come so we don't have to stay home!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I did it!

After about 10 months I was able to make my goal, hold it for 6 weeks and have now made Lifetime Membership at Weight Watchers! I am so excited. Now the hard part ... keeping it off. Thanks for those that have cheered me on or simply said they have noticed. I appreciated all of it along the way!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Kids Say the Funniest Things ...

Reagan has had a terrible time sleeping lately. The young girl at the babysitter told him their are ghosts under his bed.

So last night at 8:30 I went upstairs to try to coax him to sleep. When I asked him why he wasn't sleeping he said, "I have to much music in my head!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


To the many men and women who protect and serve our country we say a sincere Thank You.

Today our family would like to especially honor Nick's brother David (Uncle Dave) for becoming a member of the United States Air Force. We are proud of all you have done over the many years and the service that you have given the military.

Happy Veteran's Day with so much thanks!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Dentist visit ...

Didn't go too well.

When the dentist looked at me and said, "Did Reagan have trauma to his front teeth? Did he take a fall?" I knew something was wrong.

My rough tough guy must have bumped his two front teeth. Enough that it has caused absesses (spelling?) and his two front teeth need to be removed.

3 years with no front teeth! I already have emails in to the 4K teacher and the Speech pathologist to find out what effect it will have on him at this critically developmental age!

Tomorrow we will find out when we will head to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee to have them removed. Anytime the babies are under ... I shutter!

When it rains it pours I guess.

No more corn on the cob for him! How sad will my little boy be!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Eggs!

Yes, you heard me correctly.
My sister in law, Kari Jo, made these eggs and I had to share her pictures. They were so cute!

Happy Halloween!!

We went to a friend's house tonight for a kid's Halloween party. The kids had a great time.

Didn't last very long but Will was SO excited to wear his Mario costume. Now it becomes dress up! For what I paid for it ... I wanted him to wear it again. Amazing what we do for our kids!

Reagan loved his BUZZ when he was at home but the blow up wings started to irritate him. To infinity and beyond ... as he says!

Hope you all had a Spooktacular night!

We sure did!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

No School Today!

As Will kindly reminded me at 6:30 AM! My kids NEVER wake up early ... why today. The day to sleep in. They are now lounging in their Super Mario pants and are getting ready to watch Ice Age. The only movie Nick says they literally laugh out loud too!

Cleaning followed by garage cleaning follwed by Culver's with Grandma and Grandpa! AKA Grandpa's annual trip over to help Nick get that snow blower ready. Our trade off for having a handy dad.

Tomorrow dentist followed by the Toy Store to make Santa's list and Will's bday list.

Saturday party at the Schneider's for Trick or Treat and our first tumbling classes at the Y.

Sunday church, Costco (hopefully) and swimming lessons for Reagan at the Y.

Busy few days but all for fun reasons and lots of family time.

Here's to a beautiful day (we hope)!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What a beautiful day!

Today we had some pictures taken out at Holy Hill. Proofs will be back next Monday. I can't wait to see them. The photographer had so much patience with Will. This is the first time we have used her so I am really excited.

When we got home, we took a few pictures in the leaves.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


That's what they say for Reagan. If you make a few of the checklist items, they are calling it that. No tests even anymore.

So Reagan has been lounging since Wednesday night. Fever, headache, sore throat, cough and runny nose! Yuck! All he keeps saying is, "Boogers!" Nick's trying to teach him to BLOW the nose, not suck it in!

Today he wanted to go to school. Poor kid misses his teacher and his friends. Hopefully Monday he will be better. No fever today ... that's a good sign.

Monday, October 19, 2009

He always amazes me!

Will came to a conclusion on Saturday and for a long time, I wondered if he had ever noticed. Because of Will's Asperger's I think he sometimes missing the "big" things that others would notice.

For days Nick and I have been on him to stop licking around his lips because it gets so dried out. Well lo and behold, he got a little sore there. Because of his pigment I have always worried about his discoloration with scabs. So, we used a wonderful Johnson and Johnson product.

On Saturday Nick took me for a drive and Will was looking in the rear view mirror. He looks to us and says, "Mommy and daddy my skin is all better. It is turning brown again."

Now for us, that was the first time he ever acknowledged the color of skin. So me being a mom, I dug a little deeper.

I asked, "So what color is your skin?" Will replies, "Brown."
I asked, "What color is mommy's skin?" He replies, "Peach."
Okay .... I think he gets it!
I asked, "What color is Reagan's skin?" Will replies, "Peach like yours."
I asked, "What color is daddy's skin?" He replies, "Brown like mine!"

So, I guess the lesson here is even though we might not all share the same skin color, he can at least find someone that in his eyes looks like him, and I sure am glad it's his dad! Thank goodness for Nick's dark tanning ability!

Blessings for your family today!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

All's well

I am in recuperation mode. EAch day gets a bit easier. I sure am tired though. They did the surgery laproscopically. The one incision (the highest one) is totally painful! I assume either the scope was there or they pulled the gall bladder out there. It is in an awkward place (ladies you can only imagine). Thank goodness I haven't gone in public yet!

Work has been so amazing. They have been sending meals every other day which is so awesome! We have had some great food. One of the teachers made this apple pie that belongs on the cover of a cookbook!

Nick's hanging in there. He has only been late once to school. Not bad. In fact he called me today to say that he made it and there was still a drop off line!

I am hoping to build more stamina each day and hopefully the pain will start to diminish. I am not taking any meds (they are horrible!).

Due back to the dr. on Tuesday and hopefully back to the little ones at school on Wednesday.

Getting lots of phone calls and emails done though. All is not wasted.

Could I be a stay at home mom? No way!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday is the day!

I will take any and all prayers that day!

I will be home until about 10/21. I will then have a post op checkup to find out if I can go back to work!

We will keep you posted.

Here's to whoopin' it up with Culver's French Fries all weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Surgery required!

Yes, I said it. Surgery required.

I have found out that I have gall stones (probably thanks to my dad - they are hereditary) that were probably brought on by my weight loss. I will see the surgeon tomorrow for a consult and will know more then.

Tonight I am going to the Taste of Home show with my mom and am so excited! I have wanted to go for years and it has always fallen on our conference night! Keep you posted on what we see and do.

Thanks for all your extra prayers!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


So, my test results must have come in late today, and I wasn't here for the phone call. By the time I got home, the dr. was gone. Now I sit until tomorrow morning.

Then you start thinking, well the dr. called and not the nurse. Is that good or bad? He said nothing of any kind - not everything's okay. Maybe that's just protcol? I am guessing I won't sleep well until I hear if things are okay or not.

I was hoping they would find something so I wouldn't feel horrible each and everyday. Maybe my wish came true? I can only hope it is something simple!

More news to come I guess ...

Monday, September 28, 2009

ZumBAH! I know ... Zumba!

So we joined the Y last weekend in hopes of me getting into some kind of exercise program AND to save us money on the kid's swimming lessons. Swimtastic adds up!

Kari Jo and I went to Zumba class tonight and wow was it hard! My thighs and knees are aching. I know it will get better with time, and it sure didn't feel like exercise (until the aching started!). I meet with a "Coach" on Monday to get started. Kari Jo is going on Friday so next week we should be ready to go! It's kinda fun being able to do it with people you know. Kristen was there ... and she is always a hoot! It's a crazy week so I probably won't be able to go again, but I am going back next week.

Tomorrow I am having some more tests done for these stomach problems. I hope they find whatever the problem is so we can fix it. It is crummy feeling sick every time you eat! I wanna make that weight loss goal (.2 away!) but I do like food too!

So, crazy week but should all be fun too!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Daddy was the classroom helper!

Today Nick was able to help in Reagan's 4K room. He did Picture Day, tree rubbings, snack and library. Sounds like a fun filled day. I am thankful I get to be at the school my kids attend, but it makes me sad that I can't help in the classrooms.

Today Reagan was on his way home with Nick and he was telling him how much he likes his teacher Mrs. Shanks. He said, "She's really special dad!" She is one in a million to him.

Tomorrow is the kick off to our Fundraiser! Teachers as rock stars! I bet you can't wait.

Sweet dreams ...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Can't Sleep ...

Not sure what exactly I am thinking about or worried about ... but it is way too early to be up.

I surfed the net for our Halloween costume idea. We know what we are going to be, I just have to figure out how to put it together.

Sweet dreams ... I hope!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Skin check

Today was my follow up with the dermatologist. It has been two years since they found my basal cell skin cancer. It was hard to believe it had been that long. He checked the scar and again commented by saying, "I didn't remove that one did I!" Almost to say, "it wouldn't have been that big." Thank goodness my swimsuit modeling days are over I guess.

Since then I have had 3 moles removed and had a clear check today! I have to go 5 years with no reappearance of the basal cell and then I can go to yearly visits.

That's the kind of news I needed to hear!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bad Days ...

I have been having too many of them lately. I am struggling a bit and could really use some extra prayers. Please think of me in your daily thoughts and give me strength for each day! I am looking for a little sunshine my way!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Long weekend over!

Sad to say, but that long weekend came to an end.

We had a great time doing some fun stuff. Friday night we headed to the Milwaukee Ale House for dinner. Reagan loves their spaghetti. Saturday I went to the Farmer's Market and loaded up on vegetables and fruit. Then we headed to a baseball game with friends. Sunday we went to church to see our new pastor installed, visited the zoo, went to Toys R Us for their toy (Nick bought it because they had a good first week in school), and to the grocery store. Today I spent making soup, chili, salsa and we had a little visit with Nick's parents, who came to see the kids. All in all, a good weekend. Little busy, but some great weather for WI.
This week brings a busy week starting with Nick's birthday tomorrow (or as he calls it, his birth month)! We are off to the Brewer game with his parents to celebrate. Will is going to miss his first swimming lesson and he is bummed.

Here's hoping for a quick week!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Reagan's First Day of 4K!

Today was Reagan's first day of school. Not sure how it went yet, but we will fill you all in! Last night he told Nick and me that his teacher didn't like naughty behavior. We agreed with him. He said to Nick, "Well if I am naughty it is just an accident." Already making those excuses.

He got off the bus at school at about 12:40 and I was waiting with my camera.

Sure hope he is having fun! (Me wiping my tears!)

Reagan and his teacher Mrs. Shanks!

Will's First Day of 1st Grade!

Tuesday marked Will's first day of school. He told us he read a book about a mouse and a cookie, and his teacher gave him a cookie. He played with his friend Morgan at recess. He had art and made a picture with shapes. His homework assignment was to count to 100. He did so by tens. I wasn't sure if that was right, but his teacher said he could do it that way! New teacher, new friends, new schedule, new work and a new teacher's assistant! Lots of new things for Will which means change. Seems like he adapted just fine at least for today.
Will and his teacher Mrs. Beyer!

Friday, August 28, 2009

A Prayer of Thanksgiving!

We needed some prayers yesterday and the Lord again worked his magic. I am not going to go into details, but we praise him with thanksgiving for a good day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's that time!

Yeah, that time of year. Back to school. I know all you moms out there are as pleased as punch!

I had such a great summer that this year its harder to think about going back. Lucky for me I love my job, love the people I work with, love the kids I work with, enjoy the families I see, my boys will both end the day at school (no babysitter pick up) so life couldn't be much better.

Yesterday as Nick does each year, he let me leave by myself to get away. Totally broke off vacation and my one summer lump sum check gone, I didn't spend unnecessarily. I just enjoyed the car ride, walk through the mall, and radio all to myself. I ended the day with a movie with my mom and a friend. Bizarre movie - that was the only bad part.

I also reflected a bit. I have decided that I have two goals for the fall. Over the last several years I have walked off my path with The Lord. Shame on me! After all of the abundance he has given us, I feel terrible about how I have responded. Our number one goal as a family is that beginning Labor Day weekend, we will journey back to church with our new pastor. I have many things I need to work on about myself, which I know will lead me to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Goal #2 is to always put my family first. I have kept myself very busy over the last several years with outside things (not that those things didn't benefit my family) but I think I need to remember to answer to them first and make them my priority. As school gets started, I end up making too many committments to too many things and before long the nights and weekends are gone. As I begin work tomorrow, I will put my family first and foremost! Back to cooking dinners (can't gain that weight back), walking with the kids, activities with the kids, giving baths, tucking into bed, and all the great rituals that the school year brings. So my day of shopping was spent reminding myself of the great husband and boys God has given me and the fact that I need to begin anew my relationship with Him. Northbrook here we come again! Watch out for that Reagan!

As you all send your little ones off to school, I wish you a happy and healthy school year. I am going to keep this blog up ... I guess that would be goal #3.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today's Creation

My mom always gives me her magazines when she is done, and I attempted to make desserts for Nick's parents anniversary today.

I loved the way the cake turned out. I only hope my ice cream pie is just as good.

The weather isn't great, but hopefully the food will all be good!

Monday, August 17, 2009

PNC Park, Incline ride and a famous eatery

Lots of plans today. We are starting with a tour of PNC park. Nick loved this in Cincy so I hope it is as good here. We are then going to take an incline ride. Little nervous about that. We are going to head off to a famous eatery that my brother told us about from the TRAVEL channel. We will end the day watching the Brewers play the Pirates.

I can honestly say we had a really nice family vacation. It is the longest we have been gone since our honeymoon.

Will post some more pictures when we get home!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Will lost a tooth!

Will finally let his dad pull his front tooth. It has been hanging there for days. That was his third tooth!
As Will says, "Look daddy my tooth disappeared and turned in to money!"

Monday, August 10, 2009


Today we visited Will's favorite place, Hollywood Studios. I sat through Playhouse Disney on Stage two times. We rode the Toy Story ride two times, saw tons of shows and ended with the Star Wars ride. Nick even got to ride Tower of Terror.

Tomorrow we are off to Epcot and will have lunch at the French restraunt in hopes of seeing Remy the Rat from Ratatouille.

Really hot and no rain so far!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Disney World

Well, we have finally arrived after two days of travel. We pushed it the first day driving into GA. The second day the kids had had it! We got some dinner and picked up our passes with Dave and Libby and now are all set. We will get to our condo today and our vacation can really start! (The fun part anyways!)
We left Denise in charge of our pea green pool. If anyone can fix it, she can!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Horseback riding

One of Will's favorite things to do is horseback ride. We were introduced to the program last year through a psychologist Will was working with. This is a wonderful non profit organization run mostly by volunteers for kids with disabilities. This year Will has - to the amazement of the teachers - learned how to ride and control with reins.

We are so thankful for the many volunteers and the horses that make this therapeutic riding program possible for so many local children. Will is lucky enough to be featured on the cover of their brochure too!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Split Pea Soup

That is exactly what our pool water looks like!
Poor Nick was cleaning that thing like crazy yesterday. The pool chemicals all test fine, we must just have an algae buildup. Not good when you are leaving on vacation for 12 days!
Hopefully by Wed. our pool will be good as new. Cross your fingers or our house sitters won't be happy!
3 days and counting to Disney World ...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anthony's Graduation

Last night we attended Anthony's High School graduation. Lots of people and lots of fun. The food was great, the kids loved the pool, and as always Karen and Tony's kids were so kind with our boys. They should be proud of the wonderful young men they are all becoming. They will have one on their way to college ... and three more to go! Nick commented how he looked around and saw so many different generation groups.
What a wonderful time it was! I wish I had remembered our camera.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Weight Loss

The dreaded weight loss. For the most part, the 32 pounds I have lost so far has been fairly doable. These last 5 pounds or so (my goal is 35 but I would like some cushion) is getting harder. I don't feel as disciplined as I was. I also know I tend to feel more hungry because I am eating less. I have to choose those foods that I know I should eat and stay away from the ones I shouldn't!

I pray that I can keep up and get to where I need to be! Vacation is going to be a tough one.

I do have a new restraunt I like though. Stir Crazy. Nick even enjoyed it for our anniverary night out. Kids eat free on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we think we found something on the menu each would eat.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More family ...

Dave, Libby and Reagan at Festa Italiana 2009

We had two weddings this summer. The first was Nick's brother David. The boys new Aunt - Auntie Libby (or Wibby as Reagan says) was at Festa with us. They will also be joining us in Florida in a few days.

Welcome to the family Libby ...

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Countdown

Will says 10 more days!

The kids are getting excited about our trip to Disney World. Will has Mickey Mouse ears written on the calendar and he is all about counting down to August 6th.

Reagan gets the concept but instead of looking at the calendar he keeps asking me if the clock is to the 6 yet!

We came up with a new idea to try and help Reagan out! So far it isn't working!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our newest family members

Drew, Kari Jo and Me

My niece Isabel

On June 26th I became an aunt and a sister in law! My brother married Kari Jo at a beautiful outdoor ceremony near West Bend. Isabel was an adorable flower girl.

Please meet our newest members of the Dobson family ...

Thanks family

I think over the last few weeks I have realized just how important family is. I told Nick I was going to start a blog and I think he thought I was crazy and it was simply one more thing to add to the pile of things. Oh well ... I am going to give it the ole' college try!

I lost all my pictures of my kids off my hard drive, yes my fault, so I thought maybe this would be another way of saving some along the way!

Thanks for attempting to watch me as I journal a little about my forever family that I am very proud of and thankful to have!