Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Fun Day with Friends

Will had some friends from school over. As you can see ... all girls. They are so kind to him.

They all seemed tired when they were done!

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Day with Grandma and Grandpa

As Grandpa calls it, "The Three Butts".

Can you tell who thinks they are Tiger Woods?

Mom and Dad take the boys every other week for the afternoon to do something fun. Last week they went to Port Washington and played by the water after they made their first attempt at Miniature Golf.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Buettner's Pond

We had an awesome day out at Jill's house. The weather was beautiful and the company was terrific! The kids had a great time and Reagan even jumped off the diving board before we left thanks to Nick and Jonathan's help!
Will "found" the fish thanks to his brother's big mouth ... so his time in the deep water was short lived. We tried to tell him they were fish crackers but that didn't work.
Thanks Mrs. Buettner for an awesome day!
Our taxi service down to the pond.

All the kids playing on the sand.

Reagan playing peek a boo with Whitney.

Will in the tube!

Reagan in the tube.

Festa Italiana

Grandma and the boys watching the fireworks.

Nana and Will

Jimmy, Uncle Naz and Nick

We had a great Saturday at Festa. Nick's cousins were here from Minnesota, California, and Germany! Uncle Naz made the trip from Oklahoma. Great food and great fireworks as always!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Under water

Thanks to the lovely storm on Wednesday night our bar is officially under water.

For two not so handy people we are managing - we pulled back the carpet, took up the padding and are drying things out. Now to put a couple of holes in the drywall to dry that out ... we are on our way.

On to fix the window well so it doesn't happen again!

And of course insurance coverage.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Disney 2010

Reagan at the Polynesian

Nick and the kids

Will and Mom

Uncle Drew and Auntie Kari Jo - Happy 1st Anniversary!

Disney 2010

Grandma and the kids

Will, Isabel and Minnie Mouse

Mom and Dad

Uncle Drew, Reagan and Isabel on Splash Mountain

Disney Family Vacation 2010

Isabel at Cinderella's Royal Table

Will enjoying his treat for cooperating for family pictures ...

Kari Jo and myself

Our family on the beach at the Grand Floridian

These pictures are well over due, but did I have fun paging through them!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wisonsin Weather

What a great day in Wisconsin.

Pool got some use, as well as the charcoal grill and the outdoor cooler.

If I could only get this nasty toe infection to go away ... so much for public pools.

Tomorrow church duty, the West Bend parade, and dinner with Nick's parents. Hopefully this nice weather will hold out!

Happy 4th to all out there. Be safe and enjoy your freedom thanks to so many soliders fighting for it!

Friday, July 2, 2010

An Auntie Again!

I am proud to say that my little brother and my sister in law will be blessed with a new baby in January! Isabel is hoping for a brother. I guess we shall see.

This arrival will mark #10 for us!

We couldn't be happier. We found out on Memorial Day but it became official this week!

We will pray for an easy pregnancy and healthy delivery after the holidays!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Five Year Old's Questions

Do they ever stop?

Why do we have bugs on Earth mom?

Why do we have sidewalks?

Why did you park in the middle of the garage?

UGH! I love the wonder that he has, but does the "why" ever stop????