Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Two more days ...
I am way behind on posting pictures and getting my thoughts down. Catch up time this week!
Christmas programs tomorrow and then the mayhem begins! There's nothing better than the holidays!
Blessings to all ...
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Life ...
Today I told myself that I will do what I can to the best of my ability, and God will take care of the rest.
It's been a hard week, but I am looking so forward to spending the day with Nick preparing for "Santa's arrival" AKA the only day my husband will shop all year long!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Coffee
For many reasons the story evoked a lot of emotion for me. As so many of you know, pregnancy was not God's plan for me. For so many years (and probably up until last night) I questioned why. I babysat most of my young life, even in to my college years. Once Christina was born, I was in Heaven. She was such an angel to me. Nick and I were blessed to be her godparents. As I watched her grow up I so envisioned being a mom. More and more children entered the family and still we couldn't conceive.
Last night I learned he had a bigger plan for me. My children - whom we are so lucky to have - were brought to us by God. He had a reason for why our lives (including the boys) worked out the way they did.
After last night's message, my barrenness is no longer relevant in my life. It was filled by greater gifts ... Will and Reagan.
To those of you that are reading this and came with me, thank you! I hope you will come again next year.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Celebrating with Cousins!
Shower #2
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving Turkey
Will and Reagan breaking the wishbone. Will wished to go to Disney World.
Our little Pilgrim. They made the little dress up at school for their Thankgiving feast!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Please pray for us tonight!
I am absolutely full of grief, sadness and my heart is very heavy tonight. I know God has a plan, but I thought this was it. I thought that was why I took off work, met with therapists, had at home visits and our dr. worked quickly and diligently over the last 3 weeks.
I am literally sick with worry that I have let Will down and should have been more on top of this a year ago ...
Please pray that God gives me strength no matter what the outcome and the power that HE knows what is best for Will and our family.
I will keep you all posted ...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Birthdays ...
I think we will celebrate like 5 times when all is said and done. What a lucky devil to be so loved by so many people!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Baby Dobson Shower
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Insomina at its best
I have a great friend at work. Her kids are in high school. Today she took my kids home with her so I could spend some time with Nick. I had met with the specialist for Will today and wanted to decompress some of the conversation. Well Nick got tied up with work and I kept calling to say we haven't left, we haven't sat down, we haven't eaten ... and she kept telling me not to worry. We walked in the door at like 11. Then I thank God for people like her in my life. Someone that understands my kids and just takes them on a whim. Not many people like that in the world. I sure hope she is blessed one day in heaven!
Tomorrow ... couple's shower for my brother and sister in law. Hope I don't fall asleep while making the food!
Also hope I could fall back asleep at some point!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Where to start
I know it is what's best for Will ... so I will give it a go. It will be a changing day in our family should he qualify. It will be provided a minimum of 25 hours outside of the school day per week for a minimum of a year.
Please pray for me that I can accomplish the paperwork be weekend's end and that I find a good in home therapist before the paperwork is due.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Go Scott Go!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Cold here!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Trunk or Treat
Tonight I hosted the first ever Trunk or Treat event at school. It was such a great turnout. Over 300 kids were there and their families. That's over 50% of our population.
Grandma MacCudden bought Reagan's Jack Sparrow costume at Disney World. Will of course was Mickey Mouse!
Federal Test
He is officially licensed with the state ... just some minor paperwork.
He is relieved and we are so proud of him.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
State Test Check!
On to the Federal test on Thursday ... and then some relief!
Reagan told him, "Daddy if you pass your test we will take you out for dinner and you can have a beer!"
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pumpkin Time
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I love sleep ... I actually think I crave it. Maybe that's why God blessed me with children over 1 year of age.
My heart breaks for him at night but I remind Nick that we have to be strong and walk away - as hard as that is sometimes. Each night he ends up on the mattress and sleeping bag at the foot of our bed, but I guess that is better than wandering the house at all hours!
Tonight I pray for sleep!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
We got a facelift!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I had one of those days today!
I prayed to the dear Lord for:
Patience to get through another day
Hope that things will get better
Peace about our lives
Humor to laugh when I feel like crying
Guidance when I feel like my life is falling apart
Will and wishing I knew what he was thinking sometimes
Reagan and all he endures just because he is the little brother
Nick who sees the world in a different way when I can't
My mom whom I called to just let loose and then apologized because I do that sometimes.
Autism is difficult. I don't write in my blog about it often. More often then not it is challenging. You love your children so much and you always want to do whatever you can to make their lives easier. There are days, hours, weeks, months, minutes that I wish I knew what Will wanted or how I could make his life easier. Autism is difficult but I thank God everyday that he entrusted Will to us. I pray that everyday we do the best job ever at raising him in a faith-filled home that is surrounded by love.
My family matters most. They are number one on my list and although the day didn't go at all as planned, that's okay. We were together and that was all that mattered!
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's Too Quiet
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Rest in Peace Bailey
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Camera happy lately!
Reaching high up in the trees

Busy, Busy as a bee!
- Majesty Mortgage continues to prosper (Thanks be to God!). Although Nick is busy with work, we are grateful for the business and money it has brought in.
- We will be putting on a roof after only 16 years (12 years for us). We thought we wouldn't have to think about that for awhile, but again God works his magic and brings a refi boom to our house.
- Will began seeing a new therapist. Not a warm fuzzy kinda guy, but practical and to the point. I have learned more about autism and helping Will in the few sessions we have had, then in the past two years. Nick and I are "required" to read a book on play. Will's diagnosis has changed slightly to simply PDD-NOS. What does that mean? Really nothing that we already didn't know.
- Reagan had two moves of the worm from the green apple to the yellow apple in two days! School is going to be different for him than Will. We are working on good behavior.
- After many tests and trips to the vet, Bailey has been diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. She has a tumor somewhere on her pituitary gland. Where we aren't sure. There is probably more to the issues we are having than that. We can suffice it to say that we have some tough decisions to make in the next few weeks about her health and her quality of life.
- Nick celebrated his birth week. Yes, you heard me ... birth week! Some great gifts were had, a few dinners and lots of great memories.
- We saw Kevin MacCudden play a senior football game. They lost - and for him and the team it was very devastating. He is great player ... and I was completely moved to see 99% of his team on the 50 yard line following the game praying. Keep in mind ... this is a public school. What a great kid he has become.
- The boys - along with Grandma Dobson rode a small train.
- We picked apples.
- I resigned from my PBO position (like PTO) this week - a very difficult decision for me, but I know it is best for my family right now.
I am sure there is more to tell, but our family has been busy - and most of it family events! It has been a great few weeks.
Enjoy the pictures!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Coupons, coupons, coupons!
Today I went to Walgreen's. Can't say it is a place of choice but I got the following goods:
- Bayer 24 count aspirin
- 1 microwaveable Campbell's soup
- 2 - 3oz bags of oreos for the boys
With coupons from Walgreen's and mfg. total cost $1.66.
Went to Target and bought a 12 pack of Mountain Dew. $1.99 on special and had a $1.00 coupon. Where can you get a 12 pack for 99 cents these days!
Nick thinks I am nuts ... but I could make this a profession!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Happy Birthday to Grandma MacCudden
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
First Day of School!
Then there's the baby. Didn't cry when I sent him on his way and I think everytime I saw him today I was reminding him of a school rule! God Bless his teacher. She might put Nick on speed dial. We are fortunate that we got the same teacher Will had ... little does she realize he is the complete opposite of Will. He hasn't stopped talking since he got home about what he did, who he saw, who was naughty (not him either on his version), what he ate and how he cried when someone wasn't nice.
I commend teachers and I don't just say that because I am one. It's probably hard having your colleagues kids. I am so lucky though that these people they have in their lives are loving, caring and kind women that love their jobs (probably not everyday but most of them) and you can tell by how your kids come home from school! They take the job not because of how much they make or the "bonuses" they get, but because teaching is truly their calling. It's funny how you can already tell its going to be a good year because of their smiling and happy faces!
So here's to our special 5K and 2nd grade teachers at Slinger Elementary School! The MacCudden boys are lucky to have you in their lives!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Proud of the Emmy's
Thanks to HBO for providing a voice for those of us that have children with autism. It is so nice to see such wonderful people win these awards.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day out with Grandma and Grandpa
Our Family Reunion ...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Summer Vacation coming to an end!
Ready to have the kids back on a schedule, not ready to figure out my schedule!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Moving on ...
Here's to the Ackie Dooley this weekend ... Uncle Ron will be looking down with Irish Eyes smiling drinking his Southern Comfort!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Heaven's Gates Opened today ...
Welcome to the world Erin MacCudden!
My beautiful niece Erin born Monday, August 9th!
The boys are so in to babies ... despite our attempts at trying to not let them hold her, Will got his hands around her!