Yeah, that time of year. Back to school. I know all you moms out there are as pleased as punch!
I had such a great summer that this year its harder to think about going back. Lucky for me I love my job, love the people I work with, love the kids I work with, enjoy the families I see, my boys will both end the day at school (no babysitter pick up) so life couldn't be much better.
Yesterday as Nick does each year, he let me leave by myself to get away. Totally broke off vacation and my one summer lump sum check gone, I didn't spend unnecessarily. I just enjoyed the car ride, walk through the mall, and radio all to myself. I ended the day with a movie with my mom and a friend. Bizarre movie - that was the only bad part.
I also reflected a bit. I have decided that I have two goals for the fall. Over the last several years I have walked off my path with The Lord. Shame on me! After all of the abundance he has given us, I feel terrible about how I have responded. Our number one goal as a family is that beginning Labor Day weekend, we will journey back to church with our new pastor. I have many things I need to work on about myself, which I know will lead me to be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. Goal #2 is to always put my family first. I have kept myself very busy over the last several years with outside things (not that those things didn't benefit my family) but I think I need to remember to answer to them first and make them my priority. As school gets started, I end up making too many committments to too many things and before long the nights and weekends are gone. As I begin work tomorrow, I will put my family first and foremost! Back to cooking dinners (can't gain that weight back), walking with the kids, activities with the kids, giving baths, tucking into bed, and all the great rituals that the school year brings. So my day of shopping was spent reminding myself of the great husband and boys God has given me and the fact that I need to begin anew my relationship with Him. Northbrook here we come again! Watch out for that Reagan!
As you all send your little ones off to school, I wish you a happy and healthy school year. I am going to keep this blog up ... I guess that would be goal #3.
Thanks for reading!
christmas 2015
9 years ago
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