Friday, February 3, 2012

Gus the Goat

Yes you read that right. Instead of a dog we might have gotten a goat.

So what has Gus been up to?

He is eating the compost out of the neighbor's garden.
Chewed the corner of my couch - yes leather in now missing.
He has destroyed every stuffed toy we have given him.
He has probably eaten at least a dozen socks.
Only taken off once though.
Gotten a time out at doggie daycare!

All in all, he isn't our Bailey but he sure makes the boys happy. He is small and portable which is great. He is taking a little longer on the walking and obedience but we are working on it.

He sleeps with us every night. Gives great kisses and cuddles.

I think he is Will's pal most of all.

Brewers on Deck

Will and Reagan posting with the Brew Crew.

Bernie and the boys

Will and Reagan pretending they were on FS Wisconsin doing a sportscast. It was really neat!