One of Olivia's gifts was a sled from her Uncle Bill and Auntie Tina.

All bundled up and cute as can be.

Happy Birthday to you Miss Olivia Jo.

Will insisted on giving her a lot of love. She wasn't real interested in the cupcake much.
I often wondered if you could love anyone like your kids. I love my kids to death and would do anything for them. I will also tell you that I love this little one like you wouldn't believe. She gives me so much joy. I didn' t have the pleasure of having my children this young. I enjoy every minute I can spend with her. My boys love her like their sister. She constantly coo's and smiles at Nick.
I am really lucky (and I have learned this more in my later life) to have my brother and his family, along with my parents, right by me.
So, if you read this someday Olivia ... your Auntie loves you SO much and I am proud to be your Godmother. Hope you had a great 1st birthday!