Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Turkey

Check out our turkeys!

Will and Reagan breaking the wishbone. Will wished to go to Disney World.

Our little Pilgrim. They made the little dress up at school for their Thankgiving feast!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Please pray for us tonight!

Yesterday we got wonderful news that Will was eligible for In Home Therapy through the autism waiver program. That information is then forwarded to the State of WI where it goesfor approval. Today we found out that it was denied due to the assessment measure our psychologist chose to use. Without going in to much detail, Will turns at 8 on Friday, and that is the deadline. This afternoon our dr. provided an addendum ... and now we wait. Might hear Friday, might hear next week, and if it is denied, all the time, money and effort we put in is lost.

I am absolutely full of grief, sadness and my heart is very heavy tonight. I know God has a plan, but I thought this was it. I thought that was why I took off work, met with therapists, had at home visits and our dr. worked quickly and diligently over the last 3 weeks.

I am literally sick with worry that I have let Will down and should have been more on top of this a year ago ...

Please pray that God gives me strength no matter what the outcome and the power that HE knows what is best for Will and our family.

I will keep you all posted ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Birthdays ...

I am on my second batch of 24 cupcakes for my boy! 8 years old on Friday. I can hardly believe it!

I think we will celebrate like 5 times when all is said and done. What a lucky devil to be so loved by so many people!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Dobson Shower

The mom and dad to be!

The stroller that they registered for.

Bathtime fun!

Oh look at the very adorable "neutral" items!

Last night we celebrated the upcoming arrival of my neice or nephew. It is such an exciting time ... awaiting the bundle of joy to come. Many of their friends and family attended. Next weekend Kari Jo's mom and Isabel will be hosting another shower for them. The nursery seems ready to go ...
2011 is going to be a great year for our family.
Please keep them in your prayers for a safe final trimester coming up and a healthy arrival.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Insomina at its best

Not sure if things are weighing on my mind or if its Nick's coughing, but I can't fall back to sleep. My mother in law tells me if things are on your mind, it is a message from God. So maybe all this work with the autism waiver is really what he has planned for us. Maybe he is laying the burden on me because he knows I will follow through - even if it means giving up sleep.

I have a great friend at work. Her kids are in high school. Today she took my kids home with her so I could spend some time with Nick. I had met with the specialist for Will today and wanted to decompress some of the conversation. Well Nick got tied up with work and I kept calling to say we haven't left, we haven't sat down, we haven't eaten ... and she kept telling me not to worry. We walked in the door at like 11. Then I thank God for people like her in my life. Someone that understands my kids and just takes them on a whim. Not many people like that in the world. I sure hope she is blessed one day in heaven!

Tomorrow ... couple's shower for my brother and sister in law. Hope I don't fall asleep while making the food!

Also hope I could fall back asleep at some point!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Where to start

So I found out recently (yes like a week ago) that I can apply for an autism waiver to get in home therapy (pretty intensive) for Will. That's great news right? The bad news is that it has to be registered with the State of Wisconsin by his 8th birthday ... just 21 days away. Paperwork, homestudies, in-take appointments... and the list goes on and on.

I know it is what's best for Will ... so I will give it a go. It will be a changing day in our family should he qualify. It will be provided a minimum of 25 hours outside of the school day per week for a minimum of a year.

Please pray for me that I can accomplish the paperwork be weekend's end and that I find a good in home therapist before the paperwork is due.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Go Scott Go!

That's what our family is saying today!
Get out and vote for a much needed change in Wisconsin!