The baby is all grown up and the older one has "moved up the ramp" to 2nd grade. It is unbelieveable as to how time flies! I remembered when I cried at Will going to 5K. He had the best experience and to this day loves his former teacher. Today he entered the "other end" of the building - I hardly get to take a peek at him now. His exlamation this morning was, "I am so excited for today!"
Then there's the baby. Didn't cry when I sent him on his way and I think everytime I saw him today I was reminding him of a school rule! God Bless his teacher. She might put Nick on speed dial. We are fortunate that we got the same teacher Will had ... little does she realize he is the complete opposite of Will. He hasn't stopped talking since he got home about what he did, who he saw, who was naughty (not him either on his version), what he ate and how he cried when someone wasn't nice.
I commend teachers and I don't just say that because I am one. It's probably hard having your colleagues kids. I am so lucky though that these people they have in their lives are loving, caring and kind women that love their jobs (probably not everyday but most of them) and you can tell by how your kids come home from school! They take the job not because of how much they make or the "bonuses" they get, but because teaching is truly their calling. It's funny how you can already tell its going to be a good year because of their smiling and happy faces!
So here's to our special 5K and 2nd grade teachers at Slinger Elementary School! The MacCudden boys are lucky to have you in their lives!