Sunday, February 28, 2010

Throwup is NOT my favorite thing!

How much can one kid have? I thought it was all over (1:30 AM, sometime in the middle of the night I rolled in) and now again - all over my mattress stripped from sheets being washed.

My poor Will is pretty sick. I guess we have been lucky over the last 7 years to hardly have to deal with it.

Off to Walmart for carpet shampoo!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thanks for all the Autism Walk support

Thank you to the many generous family and friends who have donated to our Walk for Autism with Autism Speaks and Alpha Xi Delta.

We are so lucky to have caring and supportive people behind this opportunity.

If you haven't given yet, we hope you will. If you haven't registered to walk yet, we hope you will!

We are going to the kickoff event this weekend and are so excited about being 1/2 way to our goal already! Maybe we will even surpass it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Would you rather be in WI or Florida

In the words of my son Will to my parents ...

"Grandma don't go to Disney World without me!"

My parents are almost to the FL border with it sounds like no troubles.

Becca is already in meltdown mode about how much she depends on her mom and how things won' t be done in timely manners!

Oh well ... it is what it is right?

Friday, February 19, 2010


My husband celebrates his birth month ... I am celebrating my birth week. Our plans changed drastically last night when I had a minor meltdown about messes. Our romantic dinner turned in to a Culver's run.

Tonight we are heading to Milwaukee Ale House with my parents. One of my favorite places.

Tomorrow night we are seeing a play at the Milwaukee Rep and then meeting Libby and Dave at Jerry's Old Town for ribs and the best French Onion Soup around.

Sunday heading to get a pedicure with my mom since they are leaving Tuesday.

So ... while I didn't want to turn 39, I am sure liking all the activity this weekend! And Nick thought I was only 38. Guess I should have let him believe that!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Walk For Autism

This email will be send out to our family and friends in our address book. If you were missed, please send us your email.

We hope you will consider supporting our efforts!

Dear Friends, Family, and Fellow Alumni:

Nick and I are proud to ask for your help in this year's Walk For Autism. As so many of you know, our oldest son was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism. Autism Speaks is a wonderful organization that is raising money to help with awareness, prevention, and treatment of autism, advocate for our children with autism, and fund research into autism.

This year it means even more as this sisters of Alpha Xi Delta have committed to Autism Speaks as their new philanthropy project. My alumni sisters of Alpha Xi Delta will also be walking along with our families.

We hope that you can help us.

You can walk with us (Will of course would love that!), make a donation to Autism Speaks through our website or directly to Nick or both! Please check our team page below and let us know if you will join us on May 1st at State Fair Park in support of Austim Speaks and our son, Will!


Nick and Becca MacCudden

Valentine's Day parties 2010

The boys each brought home a load of candy ... almost like Halloween and these adorable valentines for us!

Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Our Week in Review

Last week Saturday my brother came to help me paint my bedroom. Finished that on Saturday and on our snowday Tuesday did the bathroom.

We met our godson Joey and their family at Fuddrucker's to give him his Christmas present.

Went went to buy Will his new glasses. They will arrive in 3-5 days.

Our snowday consisted of coloring and baking a cake.

It's been a good week overall. Monday is another day off ... until Spring Break!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day!

Had our second snow day today. At 5:00 AM it actually didn't look to bad. About 8:00 AM it looked worse.

Got the kid's valentines done, made dessert for work, did some more painting, and am in the process of getting tomorrow's dinner ready!

This weekend I will post our Week in Review pictures.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Reaganism for the day

So if any of you really know our Reagan, you will know he talks constantly! I dropped Nick and Will back off at home and headed back to school to pick Reagan up.

On the way home he started talking about a cat again. If any of you know my kids, they have been asking for a cat for sometime now. Will became obsessed with my friend Becky's cat and can't seem to let it go. We keep saying that we have to wait until Bailey goes to doggy heaven because she is WAY too ornery in her old age.

So on the way home this is his conversation with me ..

Mom, I really want a cat.

Yes, honey I know but we have to wait.

For Bailey to go to heaven.

Yes, for Bailey to go to heaven.

Can't we just give Bailey to someone else?

Like who?


Well that might make Daddy said because we have had Bailey for a really long time - before you and Will. We just have to wait.

I don't like waiting!

Those Big Brown Eyes

Were even bigger today. We visited Lakeshore Eye Professionals today and found out that indeed Will needs glasses! I asked Nick if they have warranties on kid's glasses! The dr. was really nice. It is amazing what they can do with the movie Nemo and an eye exam.

This is Will showing us how she did the exam!

Open Enrollment

Signed, sealed and delivered (via the internet) for Reagan to attend Slinger Elementary with his brother.

Keep your fingers crossed we are approved!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Indoor Fun

We recently tried a new indoor playland in Sussex. The kids liked it so much we went on our day off and the next day with dad. Nick loved the leather chairs and big screen TV. It wasn't jam packed - and it was totally clean!

We will be going back soon I am sure with the lovely Wisconsin weather we have!